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The New Family


The next day, well night, Jevera woke up and decided she would marry this mysterious Grallevi, assuming it wouldn't be bad.

Upon descending the stairs in her house, Jevera found a human woman waiting for her, looking very anxious and nervous. Upon questioning, the woman stated, "I was sent here by my master-- your fiance, Mr. Dorlairen. I am to be your personal attendant. Firstly I was told to help you get dressed to accompany the Grand Prince to your introduction ceremony for her majesty." Jevera inclined her head, smirking, So that was the asshole's full name, Grallevi Dorlairen.

"Very well."

Keeping things short and simple, Jevera and Anora (the attendant) headed to Jevera's rooms and got her dressed for this new meeting to visit the "Queen", whatever that could mean. Dressed in a rather scandalous red, floor length, gown--which apparently Grallevi specified for her to wear-- Jevera let Anora lead the way.

Being escorted into a black car, accompanied by Anora, they arrived at a spiraling building that reached for the sky. Stepping out of the car, Jevera craned her neck up, the moon illuminating the glass.

"Follow me, my lady." Jevera nodded and followed Anora. Together they entered the building and was immediately greeted by a dozen or more vampires, casting curious glances at Jevera, some wary, some disdainful. Jevera just held her head high and walked through with confidence. Anora led her to the elevator where they then rose to the top floor. Once the doors opened, it revealed an old looking room, in the center of the room was a big fireplace flanked by knight statues. In front of the fireplace were two chairs that although they weren't true thrones, they commanded the room's attention much like thrones. In front of the throne was an age worn vampire-- must be hundreds upon hundreds of years old-- stood. Jevera stumbled forward a step, intimidated yet fascinated by this vampire. Suddenly a presence was felt at her side, she looked and Grallevi had stepped out of the shadows to stand at her elbows. Together they stepped forward and approached the woman, who turned to them, eyes immediately going to Grallevi.

"Ah my dear boy, how lovely of you to bless me with your presence, finally." Her eyes finally drifted to Jevera and slowly assessed her appearance. After her assessment, she pursed her lips. "Pray tell, who is this?" The woman sat down in the chair on the left, motioning for the two of them to step forward. Grallevi stepped ahead and bowed to the woman, who Jevera assumed was the "Queen". "Your Majesty, she is my fiance, just as you asked me to get." Taking that as her cue, Jev stepped forward and did a short bow. When she looked back up, the woman was most certainly unamused.

"Oh. And what family does she come from?" Her voice was filled with mild interest, but Grallevi's was filled with a slight amusement.

"Oh, none at all! I turned her a few decades ago, what charming times we had."

The Queen made a noise at the back of her throat. "You... turned... her?"

"I do believe I did not stutter, your majesty. I did indeed say I turned her." She waved a dismissive hand, visibly disappointed.

Grallevi turned to the final chair and took a seat. Jevera feeling like it was her duty, joined him.

After a while of just sitting around and exchanging few words, Grallevi sat up and offered his hand to Jevera. Jevera simply stared at his hand. "Well take it." Holding back on the urge to roll her eyes, Jevera did so. He led her to middle of the floor then put a hand around her waist. "Just follow my lead and go with the flow." He whispered into her ear and then whisked her off into an enchanting dance for a hour or two.

By the end of it Jevera was exhausted. Grallevi took her home himself, and helped her to her room upstairs in her big mansion. Right as she was about to crash on the bed, he caught her and helped her out of her dress and then murmured into her ear, "You did splendid tonight, you had me convinced. I rather liked our dance..." His chuckle rumbled through her body and then she fell asleep, falling asleep with him holding her. When she awoke the next evening, he was gone. Nothing had happened except for them just sleeping.

Some improvement in this strange relationship?



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