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To achieve and maintain leadership over the Bridgeport vampire society by reaching The Emperor Of Evil-status (highest point of the Criminal career, Evil branch) and owning the business (if your expansion packs allow you to buy East Tradewinds Shipping Co.)


When Emperor Of Evil has been reached, the goal is to pass it on to a suitable successor (chosen child). When the chosen child reaches the Emperor Of Evil-status, the current Emperor must step down and retire, thus passing on the throne. If the Emperor Of Evil retires or dies before he/she can pass on the throne, the family will lose the leadership to another family and the challenge is lost. If the chosen child will reach the Emperor Of Evil status before all the steps to pass the throne have been achieved, your family will fall into a war within itself and be destroyed.


Vampires can NOT marry humans.

This is considered a disgrace. A vampire that does this can not be Emperor Of Evil or Head Of The House or an Elder. They can redeem themselves if they turn their spouse into a vampire, however they can NOT become Emperor Of Evil even after that. If they turn their human boyfriend/girlfriend before marrying them, this is considered OK.

Vampires can turn up to 5 people to vampires, not more.

Only Young Adults and Adults can be turned. Vampires can NOT turn their own children into vampires.


Vampires can’t live in the same lot with humans.


Vampires can NOT raise human children.

They need to be raised by their human parent in another lot or adopted away.


Vampire children of the vampire HAVE to be raised by vampires..

..even if their other parent is a human. They need to be adopted into a vampire family. Humans can not, obviously, be Emperor of Evil or The Head Of The House or Queen/King or Elder.

No trait modifying allowed without Lifetime Reward.

Neither of the two starting traits allowed to be chosen after ”smooth pregnancy” can be Evil. The Evil-trait must be achieved either at random or when a toddler or a child ”ages up well” and the player can pick a trait as a reward.

More rules:

• No age modifying allowed without Lifetime Reward.

• Modifying sims looks allowed.

• Season modifying allowed to your liking (if you have Seasons).

• My year lasts 28 days and every season is 7 days long.

• You are NOT allowed to use Try For Baby!, Risky Woohoo or Woohoo-actions on demand.

• You ARE allowed to use Convince to Try For Baby if necessary.

 • You ARE allowed to push other romantic interactions to get the sims in ”the mood”.

• You ARE allowed to use codes.

• You ARE allowed to adjust the relationship bars between family members ONLY.

Setting up

Sim life span 90 days

Vampires live about 5 times longer than human sims, so having these suggested life spans will make vampires live for an estimated 600ish years. One sim day represents one year. (Suggestion is Baby: 2 days, Toddler: 4 days, Child: 6 days, Teen: 8 days Young Adult: 25 days, Adult: 35 days, Elder: 10 days).

Suggested Mods

NRAAS Mastercontroller & Woohooer

(or any mods that allow you to control and change the game mechanics, household size and allow autonomous Try For Baby / Woohoo / Risky Woohoo on/off current active lot)

You can start in two ways:

• You start with a human and try to get a vampire to turn him/her into a vampire.

• Then you are to marry a vampire and make either one of the two the first Emperor Of Evil. This represents the moment your family steals the lead of the society from the current leading family.

• The other one of your sims will become the first Queen/King and also Head Of The House if the new Emperor Of Evil has no older vampire siblings.

• Breed and get those vampire kids coming. At least one of them must have the Evil-trait so they can inherit the throne. • When the passing on the throne approaches, make sure you do all the steps explained in the Rules on passing on the throne.

•Continue as long as you can, trying to keep the family in control.




• You start with two vampires (easier way). Other steps as they were described before


Emperor Of Evil

• Is the leader of the Bridgeport vampire society.

• Must have EVIL-trait.

• Must be on top of the Criminal Career, Evil branch.

• Must pass on the throne to his/her successor (a chosen biological child with the Queen/King) and then retire.

• Must be in terms with The Head Of The House and share a household.

• Must share a household with the Queen/King.


• Married to Emperor Of Evil.

• Raises the children.

• The second most important person of the society.

• Retires when the Emperor Of Evil retires.

• Also Head Of The House if the current Emperor Of Evil doesn’t have siblings.

Head Of The House

• Oldest child of the PREVIOUS Emperor Of Evil, oldest sibling of the current Emperor Of Evil.

• Considered as the third in command after Emperor Of Evil and Queen/King.

• Takes care of the interests of the family.

• Keeps the family together and strong and keeps an eye on the possible threats.

• Finds the new Queen/King for the next Emperor Of Evil when the current Emperor Of Evil has chosen his/her heir.

• Arranges the marriage of the future Emperor Of Evil when he/she reaches the top of the Criminal Career, Evil branch

• Retires when the current Emperor Of Evil retires if not dead before that.


• You can have up to FOUR Elders in the game.

• Elders are immortal (kept in Adult or Elder stage, no Lifetime Reward needed for this, you can cheat).

• If you wish to change an Elder to a new one, one of the current Elders needs to become mortal/die.

• Elders are respected members of the society.

• Any Emperor Of Evil, Queen/King or Head Of The House can become an Elder, but Emperor Of Evil needs to pass on his/her status BEFORE becoming an Elder (meaning they need to age until the status is passed forward to their successor).

• Elders must have reached the top of ANY chosen career in their life. They don’t need to keep it, but they must have reached it. This proves they are ”worthy of immortality”.

Passing the Throne

When the current Emperor Of Evil has reached Adult-stage, they can pass on the throne to a suitable biological child of theirs (with the Queen/King) any time.


There MUST be a Queen/King chosen for the future Emperor Of Evil BEFORE they can inherit the throne. They must be betrothed but can not be married.


The future Emperor of Evil and his/her chosen Queen/King will marry only AFTER the Emperor Of Evil has reached his/her status as the new leader. The wedding is considered as the Crowning ceremony.


The Emperor Of Evil must perform an exceptional act of courage and devotion to their chosen Queen/King before they can be betrothed. This is an old tradition. This can be anything the player sees fit (taming a unicorn, killing a competitor, mastering a skill etc.).


The future Emperor of Evil and his/her King/Queen are NOT allowed to Kiss/Make Out/Woohoo/Risky Woohoo/Try For Baby before the wedding. First Kiss is allowed to make them romantic interests.


You can follow challenges from other people in the challenge blog.

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