Time truly flies with these quick little.. sweet hearts. Malakai was very clingy, hanging to his mother's dress and following her everywhere. Maren was more fussy, like his older brother Aldo. Growing up she became very aware of what she was wearing and her looks in general. Luckily, this duo wasn't as diabolical as their older siblings. Malakai could be very posessive of toys and throw a tantrum or two reguraly. Maren loved to sit with his father when he played the pipe organ. In general Maren seemed fond of music early on.
Growing up Maren started taking piano and violin lessons. She was very passionate about it and wanted to be perfect. She was also starting to show a lot of mischievious behavior, sometimes getting on everyone's nerves. Her father however thought of this as a good sign. Vladi had thought of Alton as his heir until now. Now he wasn't so sure anymore and eagerly wanted to see how Maren would develop her potential.

Not some good without something bad right? Alton had been very concentrated on his vampiric training. He would however sometimes forget to eat and push it further with few plasma fruits. One day his thirst just was too strong and he though he could make it in time, even though the sun would rise soon. He thought wrong. Maranda's cold unbeating heart felt tight. She knew right away she had lost a child. So it was and Alton's ashes were located. This beloved child was buried in the cemetary on the family's estate. Grief took over the family. Maranda and Vladi made sure to teach the rest of their offspring to respect the power of the sun and not to take any unnecessary risks. Aldo was never fond of his father and now it felt like he blamed him for this, not teaching his brother properly. Aldo had been very close with his brother.
Siblinghood of four had diminished to three. As time passed, everyone learned to live on. The sibling were all closing in to adulthood and participating in their training and learning vampire lore. Not so surprisingly, Maren took great leaps in her training. Even with the age difference with her older brother Aldo, she rised to the same level quickly. Malakai was not as dedicated and his father was not pleased. Their relationship grew worse and eventually Aldo just tried to avoid Vladi. Luckily the house was big and if necessary Malakai could just escape to the nearest bar. Something extra to get on his father's nerves.
