Maranda wasn't fully prepared for the challenges of small vampire twin boys. Whenever they were smashing up furniture or splashing around in the bathroom. Feeding them most of the times ended up in a mess and china flying across the room. Aldo (left) grew to be a fussy child, who learned to talk early on. Alton on the other hand was a fire cracker full of energy and always on the move, running and climbing furniture. Luckily Vladi took part to raising the children as well, traditionally job for the Queen. Though Vladi's care taking mostly consisted of scolding the terror duo whenever they misbehaved.

Even with the twins draining Maranda's energy, she was more than happy to announce her second pregnancy. Vladi was very satisfied with her current offsping and would welcome more with joy. The threat of other families had become less evident and many sent gifts along with their congratulations. Caleb a dear friend of the family also was, more fond and showed growing interest towards Maranda romantically. He asked her out on a date, but Maranda wanted to focus on her family.
Maranda wasn't concerned of her second labor, until it began and the fact she was again going to struggle the night, to bring twins to the world. "Oh Dark Lord have mercy", she thought to herself and pushed while crushing Vladi's hand. Fate was kind to the family and everyone survived the night (excluding Vladi's hand). Maranda had brought to the world a third son, Malakai and her first daughter, Maren. Of her daughter Maranda was particularly fond of, as she had wished for a princess the first time around.
Life with four youngsters was well, challenging to say the least. Regardless there were hardly any days Maranda would regret having children. Watching them grow and learning new skills was rewarding. Especially now that the terror duo had started to learn some manners as they became older. Maranda is now taking birth control though.