After another decade of not seeing him, Jevera and the vampire who turned her reunited, in the bedroom, and that started a long strange relationship.
His name is Grallevi, he wont disclose his lastname. He is rumored to be very high ranked in the crime world, but is very illusive although he has ties everywhere. This male just makes Jevera want to pull her hair out! He is illusive, very much an asshole, a playboy, careless, but hot as hell and just alluring. Grallevi seems to be the kind of guy that makes friends for a night then cuts them all loose in the morning. Keeping everyone an arms length away, and their hearts even further away. Though something about Jev just has him coming back for more small moments. He would just what seems like appear out of nowhere near her; be it when she is drunk off a year's worth of alcohol, or when she was close to passing out from exhaustion. He never stays long, although one evening he crept into her house, where he found her lounging on the pool chairs outback. Wordlessly, and silent as death, with a cat like grace, sat on the chair next to her, wearing nothing but his swimming suit (which certainly made Jev blush a little... a lot). This startled Jevera so she didn't say anything; although stealing glances at him to take in his beautiful stature.

After an hour or two of silence, mainly because Jevera was too nervous to talk to him... completely sober.
The sky had started to be filled with streaks of pinks and oranges. Grallevi stood and stepped to the edge of the pool and knelt down, shifting onto the flagstones, sliding his legs in the pool, he let out a short sigh.
This flayed Jev's nerves, she leaned forward, tense in ever muscle of her body, and then he spoke..
"My wretched family has had this stupid tradition of proposing to their beloved-- women proposing to men included--at sunset, and here's my attempt at something of the sort." His words were bored, hollow. Jevera held her breathe, utterly confused. "I don't normally visit one night stands--well those meant to be one night stands," a hint of humor in his voice arose as he casted a pointed glance over his shoulder to her. "But for a few decades I keep winding up here." He threw his legs back onto the stones and lowered his back down, lifting his arms up to comfort his head, his eyes fluttering shut. "My infuriating parental figures are pressuring me to marry as I will be inheriting what my sire has soon. The old croon wont stop screeching at me to marry and produce heirs of my own. You see, my sire apparently found himself poisoned and hanging onto life by a thread. The poor fool." Nervous as she was, Jevera's lips twitched upwards. Sighing once more, Grallevi got to the point. "What I am trying to say is that will you marry me?" Those brilliant red eyes of his opened once more as they rested onto hers. "It would just be a title, my wife. You wouldn't have to do much except maybe attending a few social events with me, you know, making an appearance to prove you exist. Oh and bear a child or two for me." He looked her up and down and smirked, adding a cruel, wicked, gleam to his eyes. "Shouldn't be too hard for you, considering you don't seem to object sharing a bed with me."
Jevera coughed at that, and looked back at him, half glaring. "I don't even know you." He shrugged, "Didn't stop you from sleeping with me."
Infuriated, Jevera pushed to her feet, her ears filled with a deafening roar. "You propose to me but in the same breath insult me? What are you trying to achieve? Is it your goal to drag a string of broken hearts behind you?"
He shrugged again, which just angered Jev more. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, his eyes slowly trailing down her body. "Plus you aren't bad on the eyes. I will have someone fetch you tomorrow evening for you to meet my mother." And that was that. He got to his feet and casually strode away.
Jevera glared in his direction as he vanished from view. She didn't even agree! He was so rude and did not care about her at all.
But... she could potentially rise up in vampire society... how hard could it be? Maybe, just maybe she could follow through with this absurd idea. He could do his own thing and she could do her own thing, only maintaining a public mask of marriage and wholeness... this could really rub all the purebred's wrong..
At the thought Jevera smiled. All she had to do was smile and nod, otherwise she wouldn't really need to see him.